Do you know that general dentistry is very important to the overall oral health of you and your family? General dentists are providers of dental care who perform treatments for patients of all ages. From diagnosis to treatment, a general dentist will help you with any problems related to your oral health. If your dentist sees that you are in need of any kind of specific procedure then he or she will suggest you see a specialized dentist or will bring in one to ensure that you get the proper help.

Services provided by general dentists
- TMD/TMJ therapy
- Cosmetic procedures
- Tobacco cessation
- Crowns and Bridges
- Teeth cleaning/ whitening
- Oral Surgery
- Dental Implants
- Dentures and partial dentures
- Mouth guards
- Gum disease treatment
- Nutrition Counseling
- Sealants
- Gum disease treatment
- Root canal therapy
- Orthodontics
- Restorative care
How does one becomes a general dentist in Livonia, MI?
First of all, a person needs to get a college degree (undergraduate) in any subject but it is recommended that he or she comes from a science background. Then after that, he or she will be permitted to join a dental school where they will learn about general dentistry for four years. After these four years they become a graduate and then it will be the time to take an examination of licensure. This examination is held by the State and differs from State to State. Only after passing this examination can one become a general dentist and is allowed to treat patients.
Facts about general dentistry
In USA and Canada there are about 143,000 dentists who are practicing dentistry and a huge percentage of this number are general dentists. You can find a general dentist working in higher education institutions and then there are some who are working in military. Many general dentists work in research programs, corporations, or government dental health programs. You will also see that they tend to do group practice where they work as associates or partners.
Some terms which you should be familiar with:
- DMS – Doctor of Dental Medicine
- DDS – Doctor of Dental Surgery
- AGD – Academy of general dentistry
Here it is important to mention that Livonia, MI general dentists who belong to AGD are passionate about educating themselves so that they are knowledgeable about all the latest treatment and procedure involving general dentistry.
So, you now know some important facts about general dentists and general dentistry. Now all is left to do is find an excellent one for you and your whole family.